


Hours of Operation

Mon - Sat: 10 am - 10:30 pm

Fleek Nails Cancellation Policy

Updated On: Mar 2, 2023

  1. General

Fleek Nails Kenya is committed to providing exceptional service in a timely manner. Unfortunately, when a customer cancels without giving enough notice, it prevents another customer from being served. Cancellations greatly impact our quality of service. For these reasons, Fleek Nails Kenya has implemented this Cancellation and Refunds Policy that will be strictly observed.
All appointments have to be accompanied by a 25% deposit during the booking otherwise they will remain invalid.

  1. Refunds

If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we can always re-do the service for free within 7 days if you cater for transportation. Refunds are not available for services rendered.
To be eligible for free service repetion;
– The service offered should be eligible for a re-do. Services such as pedicure and manicure are not eligible.
– The service must not have been handled without care. We do provide post nail and hair service advice. This is to ensure you get best value for your money and prolong the service duration. Not following these post nailcare and hair service would result to damage to the nails and hair. An example is getting rained on your newly made hair or exposing your gel nails to corrosives. Such scenarios are not eligible for a free re-do.
The free re-do is not transferrable to someone else.

  1. Cancellation Terms

All cancellations must be received no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment. Deposits paid will be used for future appointments if a customer needs to cancel between 24 – 96hrs and over. Cancellation requests received within the 24-hour grace period will not be accepted, and the deposit will not be refunded neither will it be used for future bookings.

Thank you,
Fleek Nails Kenya